Do you need an energy certificate because you are selling or renting a house?
Through our company you can obtain an Energy Performance Certificate in a few simple steps. First, you are invited you to get to know each other, next we will visit the building (we can set a date and time of viewing comfortable for you) and then we will deliver the Certificate, both on hardcopy and in PDF format through e-mail or CD.
Useful information about Energy Certificates
The Energy Performance Certificate of the building is prepared by building energy auditors authorized by the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing.
The building’s Energy Performance Certificate is valid for 10 years.
Delivery time: 24-48 hours from the viewing date of the building.
s2c Advisory Services provides Certificates and Energy Audit for all types of buildings in:
TIMIS County: Timisoara, Lugoj, Sannicolau Mare, Jimbolia, Recas, Faget, Buzias, Deta;
ARAD County: Arad, Lipova, Ineu, Curtici, Chisineu Cris, Nadlac;
CARAS SEVERIN County: Resita, Caransebes;
HUNEDOARA County: Deva, Hunedoara, Petrosani, Vulcan, Lupeni, Petrila, Orastie, Brad, Simeria, Calan, Hateg;
ALBA County: Alba Iulia, Sebes, Aiud, Cugir, Blaj, Teius;
SIBIU County: Sibiu, Medias, Cisnadie;
CLUJ County: Cluj-Napoca, Turda, Dej, Campia Turzii, Gherla, Huedin;
MURES County: Targu-Mures, Reghin, Sighisoara, Ludus, Iernut;
BISTRITA NASAUD County: Bistrita, Beclean;
MARAMURES County: Baia Mare, Sighetu Marmatiei, Borsa;
IASI County: Iasi, Pascani, Harlau, Targu Frumos;
Municipality of Bucharest
For more information about the services offered by our company, we are available from Monday to Saturday, between 9:00 to 7:00 p.m. We respond with interest both to small working volume requests, but also to large-scale demands. You can contact us by telephone at the phone number posted on the website and by email, by filling in the form on the contact page.